I have decided to use a mailing list rather than this blog to discuss square dancing issues. If you send an email to the following email address I will add you to the list.
Here is a sample posting
Here is a sequence diagram that shows a formation where men arrive home ahead of the women after a Right and Left Grand. The men are usually requested to slow down or the women speed up. It also shows a formation where the men and women arrive home at the same time which is by far the more common situation sequence diagram.
I have summarized all the blog entries for 2017 at http://puzzlecrowd.com:/sqdance/square_dancing_made_difficult.html. I will update the information there whenever I experience new calls.
I will occasionally transcribe square dancing CDs. The transcriptions can be found here
I will create sequence diagrams for most singing calls that I dance. See singing calls.
And here is a picture album of notable dances