Tuesday, October 10, 2017

EA Calls for Sept 28

Jerry Story called

  1. Called Heads face, Grand Square from sashayed couples. The fact that the couples are half-sashayed and the heads face should have no affect on the execution of the call unless dancers are really used to doing it from normal couples with sides facing. Dancers need to be aware of two things:
    1. Which way is in. During Grand Square each dancer spends the entire time in one quadrant and shares the quadrant with another dancer. When it is time to turn, it is toward the quadrant at right angles to you.
    2. After turning 3 times, at the next turn opportunity, the dancers reverse their direction in instead of turning.
  2. From a static square, the following two calls return the dancers to their original positions
    Heads Circulate twice
    Heads Circulate twice
    In each case, the first Circulate is a Pass Thru and the second one is a Partner Trade
  3. Called 3/4 Double Pass Thru for dancers in a double pass thru formation. This ended in a 3/4 tag formation.
  4. This sequence diagram demonstrates several unusual calls: adjacent men cross folding and double pass thru with no one. It ends with a Triple Trade which is an Advanced call (Jerry called it Center 6 Trade).
  5. Called "put your lady in the lead" but did not call Dixie Style to a Wave next. Instead these calls were made
    1. Girls Swing Thru
    2. Girls Square Thru 3
    3. Girls Single Circle to a Wave
    4. Double Pass Thru
  6. Split Circulate once and a half from facing lines results in the same formation as Pass the Ocean
  7. Called Cut the Diamond from diamonds with points facing out. The points had to move in to get out of the way of the centers and to get in position to do a partner trade (since they are facing in the same direction. sequence diagram.
  8. Boys circulate counter clockwise in a Right and Left Grand and clockwise in a Wrong Way Right and Left Grand. This means that in a half-sashayed square a Right and Left Grand will have the boys pulling their corners by instead of their partners (see sequence diagram) which is the case in a normal square. A Wrong Way Right and Left Grand from a half-sashayed square will have the boys pulling their partners by first.
  9. Called Dixie Grand from a double pass thru formation
  10. Called the following sequence from a static square
    Heads Lead Right
    Everybody Veer Right (not Veer Left!!)
    Leaders Chase Right
    Trailers Circulate
    sequence diagram
  11. Called the following sequence from right-hand columns (note that only half the dancers are doing a track2 and that it is called from columns instead of completed double pass thru).
     lead 2 track 2
     the others circulate
    sequence diagram
  12. Called the following from an eight chain thru formation
    Right and Left Grand
    When you meet your partner alamo style ...
    Swing Thru
    Girls run right
    Girls run left
    Girls do a back flip and a half twist at home and bow to your partner
    This requires that the last left Pull By be replaced by a turn similar to what is done in Allemande Left to an Alamo Ring. In both cases the men are moving counterclockwise and the women are moving clockwise and they use their left hand to turn. Here is the sequence diagram.
  13. Called Acey Deucey, girls go once and a half to an ocean wave. The girls must have been in the centers. This forms a diamond.
  14. Created a three and one diamond: sequence diagram.
  15. Called the A1 call Partner Tag
  16. Called Peel Off and Roll. Emphasized that dancers should reestablish hand holds to decompress the square.
  17. Called left Swing Thru from right-hand ocean waves. The centers (who are holding left hands) have to trade first.
  18. From a static square, this calls created t-boned boxes
    Then he called Walk and Dodge: sequence diagram followed by Load the Boat.
  19. Called U-turn once and a half followed by Wrong Way Right and Left Grand. Body flow meant the the half U-turn was away from the partner: sequence diagram.
  20. Called Lead Right from eight chain thru formation and from a facing lines formation. You always end back to back with the dancers you are facing when you start the call. See Lead Right.

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