Wednesday, April 26, 2017

EA Calls for April 20

Jerry called.

  1. MIT Tech Square. Look at the flourishes!
  2. Jerry worked from a lot of T-bone formations. See also
  3. Here are the T-bone formations mentioned in Taminations for Mainstream and Plus calls
    1. Chase Right (mixed t-bones)
    2. Follow Your Neighbor (right-handed t-bone)
    3. Follow Your Neighbor (left-handed t-bone)
    4. Load the Boat (t-bones, ends facing in)
    5. Load the Boat (t-bones, ends facing out)
    6. Peel Off (t-bones)
    7. Peel the Top (t-bones 1)
    8. Peel the Top (t-bones 2 (all dancers in t-bones 1 turn a quarter to the left)
    9. All 8 Circulate (t-bones)
    10. Split Circulate (t-bones)
    11. Couples Circulate (t-bone couples)
    12. Girls Run (from t-bones)
    13. Centers Run (from t-bones)
    14. Ferris Wheel (t-bone couples)
    15. *Trade By (from t-bones)
    16. Walk and Dodge (from t-bones)
    17. Zoom (from t-bones)
  4. Jerry got dancers into T-bone formations and transformed them in several ways: sequence diagram
  5. Called Cut the Diamond with point facing out. Note that the trade is a partner trade because the dancers are facing in the same direction.
  6. Called Eight Chain 3 1/2 and then Courtesy Turn which resulted in a static square.
  7. Split Circulate 4 times returns dancers to where they started from
  8. Swing Thru 1 1/4: Ends trade and wait until centers trade then hinge with the centers
  9. Centers Run, centers Trade: the Trade is not done by the same dancers that did the run!
  10. Called a Spread that relied on knowing who the active dancers are: sequence diagram
  11. Re Relay the Deucey: if everybody dances on the beat, nobody has to run, nobody has to hurry.
  12. Dances in a Crossfire have no body flow when they finish: sequence diagram.
  13. Ends Peel Off from two-faced lines: leaders and trailers need to meet on imaginary line between them: sequence diagram. An extreme case of meeting at the imaginary line is given by Concentric Peel Off (not called by Jerry).
  14. As Couples Concept: From any formation composed only of couples, for example double pass thru, facing lines, or parallel two-faced lines: This is used to modify a call, e.g. As Couples Walk and Dodge. Jerry called an As Couples Cut the Diamond. Since this is not in the Taminations list we will need to use a sequence diagram to demonstrate it.
  15. Called the following (Anything) and Roll
    1. Bend the Line and Roll
    2. Peel Off and Roll
    3. Wheel and Deal and Roll
    4. Cut the Diamond and Roll sequence diagram
  16. Grand Square was called from an atypical formation: sequence diagram.
  17. Called Acey Deucey Once and a Half. Note that the boys form a big diamond, the two lonely boys and the very centers of the wave of six form a small diamond and the ends of the center wave of four and the two lonely boys form a medium diamond. Jerry called Diamond Circulate for all these diamonds.
  18. Pass the Ocean three times. Centers don't let go and hinge 3 times while ends walk around
  19. Split Ping Pong Circulate: sequence diagram

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