Jerry called.
- MIT Tech Square. Look at the flourishes!
- Jerry worked from a lot of T-bone formations. See also
- Here are the T-bone formations mentioned in Taminations for Mainstream and Plus calls
- Chase Right (mixed t-bones)
- Follow Your Neighbor (right-handed t-bone)
- Follow Your Neighbor (left-handed t-bone)
- Load the Boat (t-bones, ends facing in)
- Load the Boat (t-bones, ends facing out)
- Peel Off (t-bones)
- Peel the Top (t-bones 1)
- Peel the Top (t-bones 2 (all dancers in t-bones 1 turn a quarter to the left)
- All 8 Circulate (t-bones)
- Split Circulate (t-bones)
- Couples Circulate (t-bone couples)
- Girls Run (from t-bones)
- Centers Run (from t-bones)
- Ferris Wheel (t-bone couples)
- *Trade By (from t-bones)
- Walk and Dodge (from t-bones)
- Zoom (from t-bones)
- Jerry got dancers into T-bone formations and transformed them in several ways: sequence diagram
- Called Cut the Diamond with point facing out. Note that the trade is a partner trade because the dancers are facing in the same direction.
- Called Eight Chain 3 1/2 and then Courtesy Turn which resulted in a static square.
- Split Circulate 4 times returns dancers to where they started from
- Swing Thru 1 1/4: Ends trade and wait until centers trade then hinge with the centers
- Centers Run, centers Trade: the Trade is not done by the same dancers that did the run!
- Called a Spread that relied on knowing who the active dancers are: sequence diagram
- Re Relay the Deucey: if everybody dances on the beat, nobody has to run, nobody has to hurry.
- Dances in a Crossfire have no body flow when they finish: sequence diagram.
- Ends Peel Off from two-faced lines: leaders and trailers need to meet on imaginary line between them: sequence diagram. An extreme case of meeting at the imaginary line is given by Concentric Peel Off (not called by Jerry).
- As Couples Concept: From any formation composed only of couples, for example double pass thru, facing lines, or parallel two-faced lines: This is used to modify a call, e.g. As Couples Walk and Dodge. Jerry called an As Couples Cut the Diamond. Since this is not in the Taminations list we will need to use a sequence diagram to demonstrate it.
Called the following (Anything) and Roll
- Bend the Line and Roll
- Peel Off and Roll
- Wheel and Deal and Roll
- Cut the Diamond and Roll sequence diagram
- Grand Square was called from an atypical formation: sequence diagram.
- Called Acey Deucey Once and a Half. Note that the boys form a big diamond, the two lonely boys and the very centers of the wave of six form a small diamond and the ends of the center wave of four and the two lonely boys form a medium diamond. Jerry called Diamond Circulate for all these diamonds.
- Pass the Ocean three times. Centers don't let go and hinge 3 times while ends walk around
- Split Ping Pong Circulate: sequence diagram
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