Highlights of June 15 EA class, June 25 EA class and EA tips on July 2 dance at the fairgrounds. All dances were called by Jerry.
- Starting from a static square, the following calls get the dancers into a wrong-way thar formation
Pull By your corner Single Circle to Wave
sequence diagram - Starting from a static square, the following calls get the dancers into an allemande thar formation
Pull By your corner Reverse Single Circle to Wave
sequence diagram - Some moves can be called with modifiers reverse, left, right or wrong way. A list of them is here.
- Eight Chain 3 1/2 gets dancers into promenade position.
- At the beginning of a Load the Boat, center couples are facing the dancers that they are going to partner trade with. After the initial pass through the beau will turn left and the belle will turn right to get into position for the partner trade, or put another way, dancers will turn toward the hand that they are not holding their partner with.
- You need to remember if you are a head or a side. Jerry called heads Trade and sides Trade. At least the trade does not change you status as a head or a side. This is not the case with ends Trade or centers Trade is called. The Trade changes ends into centers and vice versa.
- Drag the thumb of Scoot Back to the half way point to see what a half a Scoot Back looks like.
- Only designated dancers zoomed, e.g. men Zoom
- The call
All dancers Ping Pong Circulate Then boys Ping Pong Circulate and the girls Zoom
emphasizes that a Ping Pong Circulate involves paths. Thinking of it as ends trade and centers form a wave is not useful when only half the dancers do it. - From lines facing in, Jerry called Right and Left Grand instead of the usual Right and Left Thru. Many dancers did not wait to hear the last word of the call. Tricky.
- From a static square, Jerry called heads Lead Right followed by Lead Left instead of the usual Veer Left. See Lead Left from Eight Chain Thru. Tricky.
Extending from a left-hand wave creates a left-hand wave. See Taminations. Common ways to form left-hand waves include
- From a right-hand wave, Follow Your Neighbor (with no Spread)
- From facing lines, Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave
- From facing couples, Reverse Single Circle to a Wave
- From a eight chain thru formation, Left Touch a Quarter
- Trade the Wave
- Left Dosado 1 1/2
- U-Turn Back from a right-hand ocean wave
- Cross Run in a right-hand ocean wave
- Left 1/2 Tag the Line
- Left 3/4 Tag the Line
- Recycle and Roll
The following calls had four dancers circling while the other four dancers performed a series of moves which ended with an Allemande Left with the circling dancers
Promenade Heads put lady in the lead single file Heads keep going, don't stop Sides wheel to the middle to form facing couples and do the following:
Move Ending Formation Star Thru Facing couples Right and Left Thru Facing couples Veer Left Two-faced line Crossfire Box Circulate Look for corner (heads are rotating counterclockwise) and do an Allemande Left (need to know your corner!) Right and Left Grand
- Here is an interesting sequence of calls that start with a static square and end with lines facing in. Note that only the Ping Pong Circulate is done by all dancers.
Heads Right and Left Thru Heads Pass the Ocean Ping Pong Circulate Ping Pong Circulate Side men Roll Heads Recycle Head men Face In Girls Peel Off Boys Bend the Line
sequence diagram - Here is a sequence of calls that turns a static square 90 degrees to the left, then has all dancers do a Veer Right and a Cast Off 3/4 to return to original square. sequence diagram
- Jerry also turned square 90 degrees to the right and returned the dancers to the original square doing a Veer Left and a Cast Off 3/4. sequence diagram
- Called Spin the Top 4 times in a row
- If dancers are in left-hand wave, the caller does not have to say left Spin the Top since the start of a Spin the Top is a trade which can be done in either a left hand wave or a right hand wave. However, if Spin the Top starts with facing couples, the caller must say left Spin the Top so the couples move into a left hand wave.
- Nice flow: sides Dixie Style to a Wave and boys Zoom. Center boys continue counterclockwise flow another 360 to replace head boys.
- Eight Chain example where women have to courtesy turn men. sequence diagram
- Why men usually finish on the ends in a Coordinate: sequence diagram
- Only First Couple Go Left, then couples who went left walk (one dancer) and dodge (one dancer) sequence diagram
- Called Reverse Circle to a Line: sequence diagram. Note that in this example men would have to walk under an arch formed by a woman if Simple Style were employed. If the man is much taller than the woman this might be awkward so Callerlab Style or Modern Style might be more comfortable.
- Split Ping Pong Circulate: sequence diagram
Unusual Single Circle to a Wave that results in intersecting waves with star in center.
Start with static square Face your corner and pass thru Single Circle to a Wave Boys Run Bend the Line
sequence diagram -
Introduced a Spread into All 8 Spin the Top
All 8 Spin the Top Spread All 8 Spin the Top
sequence diagram
- As Couples
- Starting with a 1/4 tag formation, called Follow Your Neighbor three times in rapid succession. Each one was different: sequence diagram
- Here is another example of club 50 moves (separates and accompanying calls) called in rapid succession that makes them much more challenging: sequence diagram.
- And another one, repeated pass the lines and bend the lines: sequence diagram
Start with static square Sides Right and Left Thru Sides Dixie Style to a Wave Men Zoom
sequence diagram- 3/4 Swing Thru from a right hand wave ends in diamonds: sequence diagram
- 3/4 (right) Swing Thru from a left hand wave ends in left hand waves: sequence diagram
- After a half sashay in a static square, a man's right hand lady becomes his corner. Question: a dancer's corner changes as the dance progresses but does a man's right-hand lady change? sequence diagram
- After doing a 3/4 Tag, Jerry called Swing your partner which returned the dancers to home position: sequence diagram
- Crossfire and Peel Off work well together: sequence diagram
- Example of clockwise flow being carried across three calls
From right-hand two-faced lines Ferris Wheel Roll Reverse Wheel Around
sequence diagram - Worked with disconnected diamonds: sequence diagram
- All 8 Fan The Top:
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