gives advice for callers who attempt to teach extended applications. It seems very likely that Jerry agrees with the ideas presented there. One thing that Jerry emphasizes more is telling the dancers to listen to what the caller is saying. For example on Thursday he called Triple Allemande followed by the instructions to execute it. Initially, the call was botched badly by the dancers and Jerry surmised that it was because they had been distracted by the phrase "Triple Allemande" and had not listened to the instructions that followed. The next time he called it there was a noticeable improvement in its execution because the dancers took his advice.
Continuing EA (6:30-7:30)
- Triple Allemande. From a squared position or circle formation Allemande left with your corner, ladies star right as men move counterclockwise on the outside track, meet corner, allemande left, men star right as ladies move counter-clockwise on the outside track, allemande left to await the next command.
- Ping Pong Circulate from an I Formation
- Did some work with Point-to-Point Facing Diamonds
- Tag 3/4, Girls cloverleaf, boys spin the top sequence diagram
- Load the boat
- Any promenade has left shoulder pointing into the center of the square.
- Any reverse promenade has right shoulder pointing into the center of the square.
- Girls turn left, single file circulate, middle boys spin the top, ends in diamond sequence diagram
- Partner trade 1 1/2 sequence diagram
- Swing thru 1 1/4 sequence diagram
- Boys peel, girls chain down the line. What formation does this start from?
- Those who can begin right and left thru but finish with end (courtesy turn). What formation does this start from?
- From facing out lines, lead right or left, finish a ferris wheel sequence diagram
- Boys Track 2, girls circulate sequence diagram
- Explode the wave, separate and go around 3 (was this centers separate? Do ends slide together?)
- Variations on Separate (after Head Couples Pass Through)
- Around one to a line
- Around one and come down the middle
- Around two to a line
- Around three to a line sequence diagram
- Girls do not have a home. If a side girl is with a head boy, the command "heads such and such" applies to her also even though she is a side
- Jerry gave name, e.g. Triple Allemande and then instructions. The name confused people and they had trouble following instructions. He told dancers to listen.
This is not in Taminations so we need to create a sequence diagram for it. Two possible diagrams came to mind. If "circulation" is taken seriously then this one has two clearly defined circulation paths. If instead you view the call as 4 dancers doing an extend and partner trade and the other 4 stepping to a wave, this is the sequence diagram you want.
Workshop (7:30-9)
- Split Circulate 1 1/2 from facing couples. This is just a Pass the Ocean! There are three ways to think about Pass the Ocean
- CallerLab definition: Pass Thru; Face your Partner; Step To A Wave sequence diagram
- Step to a wave, Centers Hinge, Ends move forward sequence diagram
- Split Circulate 1 and 1/2 sequence diagram
- Split Circulate 2 and 1/2 from right hand waves. sequence diagram
- Split Circulate 2 and 1/2 from facing lines. sequence diagram
- Triple Allemande (see above)
- Parasol Allemande. This is not in Taminations so see sequence diagram. Note that this has 32 beats which is the same number of beats that a Grand Square has.
- Ladies Quarter promenade from an Ocean Wave. Not in Taminations so see sequence diagram. Men can do this also
- Also called Half Promenade from an Ocean Wave. Promenaders ended up facing the wall behind them.
- Coordinate
- Acey Deucey
- Crossfire
- Diamond Circulate
- Cut the Diamond
- Flip the Diamond
- Ends do their part of Load the Boat
- Three quarters tag the line
- Split circulate 1 1/2 and end in tidal wave sequence diagram.
- Difference between split circulate and box circulate. sequence diagram
- Fixing a broken square
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