Saturday, July 15, 2017

EA Calls for July 13

Jerry called.

Focussed on calling from an Allemande Thar and 1 by 3 moves.

  1. Walked us through Follow to a Diamond which is a Challenge call.
  2. Called Tag the Line from a Thar: sequence diagram.
  3. Called Diamond Circulate from a Thar: sequence diagram.
  4. Called Recycle from a Thar: sequence diagram.
  5. Called "Inside boy Walk, Outside boy Dodge when they were both facing in the same direction: sequence diagram
  6. Called Crossfire from a Thar: sequence diagram
  7. Called Double Pass Through after completing a Crossfire from a Thar: sequence diagram
  8. Called Pass Through after completing a Crossfire from a Thar: sequence diagram
  9. Called Cross Peel Off: sequence diagram
  10. Reverse Explode: Everyone releases handholds, steps forward and turns a quarter out (90°) to end back to back with the adjacent dancer. Probably a joke call
  11. Quarter Out, an Advanced call.
  12. Called 1 by 3 Trade the Wave: sequence diagram
  13. A quarter of a swing is just another name for a Hinge
  14. If you are in a Tidal Line and the caller prefaces a call with "each line", then the very center dancers of the Tidal Line let go of hands forming two separate wave which each execute the call.

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